Foreword (R. Cayrel, Obs. Paris-Meudon) (pp. vii-ix) Editorial (Editor) (pp. 1-10) Close Encounters of the Third Kind with the Hubble Space Telescope (C. Nicollier, ESA) (pp. 11-19) Public Relations for a National Observatory (D. Finley, NRAO) (pp. 21-34) Popularizing Astronomy: Four Decades as a Galley Slave (L.J. Robinson, Sky & Telescope) (pp. 35-45) The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Astrophysics at Garching-Munich (J. Trümper, Max-Planck-Inst. Extraterr. Physik) (pp. 47-61) Quality Assurance in UK Higher Education (V. Shrimplin, Univ. Luton) (pp. 63-69) NSF Evaluation Processes in the Astronomical Sciences (E.D. Friel, NSF) (pp. 71-84) Scientific Impact of Large Telescopes (Chr. Benn, ING) (pp. 85-94) The Role of Ground Stations in Space Observatories (V. Claros & D. Ponz, ESA VILSPA) (pp. 95-105) Some Thoughts about the Virtual Observatory Concept (P. Benvenuti, ST-ECF) (pp. 107-119) Organizational Issues in Large Scientific Projects (D. Enard, EGO) (pp. 121-134) The History of the Joint Organisation for Solar Observations (JOSO) 1969-2000 (P.N. Brandt & W. Mattig, Kiepenheuer-Inst. f. Sonnenphys.) (pp. 135-152) Optical Astronomy and South Africa. Part I. To 1994 (M. Feast, SAAO) (pp. 153-161) Astronomy and Astrophysics in the Czech Republic (J. Palous & J. Vondrak, Astron. Inst. Ondrejov & M. Solc, Charles Univ.) (pp. 163-179) Astronomy and Astrophysics in the Slovak Republic (V. Rusin, J. Svoren & J. Zverko, Tatranska Lomnica Astron. Inst.) (pp. 181-190) Historians and Astronomers: Same Pursuits? (J.B. Stein, Roger Williams Univ.) (pp. 191-199) The View from the Observatory: History is Too Important to be Left to the Historians (D.E. Osterbrock, Lick Obs.) (pp. 201-215) Bibliography of Socio-Astronomy (pp. 217-233)